Association Office Package
“Our members should feel confident in buying their insurance through Aon. With ASAE’s thorough ongoing monitoring, we stay on top of the programs. We’re always looking out for our member’s interest. Our relationship with Aon helps build trust.”
Betsy Piper/Bach, JD, CFP, CIMA
President, ASAE Business Services, Inc.
Because nonprofit associations have unique exposures
The ASAE-Endorsed Association Office Package provides business insurance for your place of business and your operations. If you purchased the AOP’s coverage individually, it would cost much more. By packaging the coverage, you receive broad protection at an affordable rate.
- Examples of the AOP’s custom coverage: extend your general liability coverage to venues where you hold off-site events, and the option to extend your liability to association chapters.
- The AOP provides tremendous flexibility. As your nonprofit grows, the AOP offers a variety of optional endorsements that allows it to grow with you.
Product Overview
Replacement cost coverage provided for your building (if applicable) and office personal property. There is no deduction for depreciation of damaged items. You receive payment at today’s costs, regardless of the age of your roof, office furniture, computer, etc.
- Building coverage is offered on a ‘special’ basis, which includes a broad range of perils except those the policy specifically excludes, such as war, nuclear accident, wear & tear, insects & vermin and inherent vice.
- Personal Property coverage is offered on a ‘named peril’ basis and covers items owned by your organization for damage by fire, lightning, smoke, windstorm, hail, vandalism, collapse, explosion, falling objects, aircraft, vehicles, and more.
Additional coverages include:
- Loss of Business Income (Actual Loss Sustained)
- Backup of Sewers and Drains
- Employee and Third-Party Theft
Optional Coverages Available
Commercial General Liability helps cover your association’s legal responsibility when negligent acts result in bodily injury and/or property damage to others.
- Limits: $1 million each occurrence/$2 million aggregate
- Increased Limits: $2 million each occurrence/$4,000,000 aggregate (where available)
General Liability cover includes:
- Premises and Operations: Offers coverage for injury or damage arising out of your premises or business operations while such operations are in progress.
- Products and Completed Operations: Offers coverage for claims arising out of products sold, manufactured, handled or distributed, or operations which are complete.
- Personal and Advertising Injury: Offers coverage for damages when you become legally obligated to pay for personal injury exposures and advertising injury, including slander, libel, invasion of privacy, and copyright infringement.
- Fire Legal Liability: Coverage for your liability to others if you occupy leased or rented property for which you could be held legally liable for damage to the property due to fire.*
- Host Liquor Liability: Includes coverage for alcohol-related liability exposures while hosting business functions arising out of serving alcohol.
- Medical Expense: Pays medical bills on a no-fault basis, including first aid that is needed immediately for customers, suppliers or visitors.
Event Liability provides coverage requested by a venue for meetings, conventions, exhibitions, and trade shows with fewer than 10,000 attendees per day.
Employee Benefits Liability provides coverage for an employer who commits a negligent act, or an error or omission, in the administration of an employee benefit program.
Coverage provides insurance for the sums that you become legally obligated to pay as a result of damages sustained by an employee, former employee, prospective employee, or their beneficiaries or legal representatives.
The AOP EDGE Endorsement adds coverages for claims involving:
- Accounts receivable
- Business computers
- Employee dishonesty
- Laptop computers
- Money & securities
- Valuable papers
View EDGE Endorsement for a complete list of coverages and limits.
This endorsement provides an affordable suite of cyber-related coverage that enhances the Association Office Package to help protect you against the growing exposure of cyber risk from both a first and third-party standpoint.
- Business Income Extension for Websites
- Information Security Protection
- Laptop Computer – Worldwide Coverage
- Public Relations Expense
- Regulatory Proceedings Expense Sublimit
- Replacement or Restoration of Data
- Security Breach Expenses
- Security Breach Liability
- Website Publishing Liability
For coverage descriptions, available limits and premium range, view our Cyber Solutions highlight sheet.
Workers' Compensation
Provides coverage for your employees’ work-related injuries or illnesses. Employer’s Liability coverage is included and offers coverage for suits brought against the employer by the employee and/or their family for job-related accidents.
Automobile Coverage
- Owned Commercial Autos: Offers bodily injury and property damage liability, physical damage coverage, and access to any state-mandated coverage for injuries to occupants of the vehicle.
- Hired/Non-Owned Auto Liability Coverage: Protects you from losses resulting from bodily injury or property damage caused by the use of leased, hired, rented and/or borrowed vehicles, including your employees’ vehicles when used in connection with your business.
- Hired Auto Physical Damage: Protects you from losses resulting from damage to vehicles you hire or rent when used in connection with your business
Umbrella Liability
Provides access to higher liability limits.
Chapter Liability
Extends your general liability coverage to your association chapters across the country.
Underwritten by:
Great American Insurance Company is the underwriter of the Association Office Package. Founded in 1872, they have an A+ (Superior) rating from A.M. Best Co., placing them in the top 10% of U.S. insurance companies. Their superior rating gives the program unprecedented financial security.
Reinsurance by:

ASAE Insurance Company is a captive insurance company managed by the ASAE Insurance Company Board of Directors & Officers. Founded in 2005, the ASAE Insurance Co. is exclusively dedicated to adding an extra layer of financial security to the ASAE-Endorsed Association Business Insurance Program.